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Radiant and Cushion cut diamond comparison

8 Points That Defines Cushion Cut Vs Radiant Cut

Radiant and Cushion cut diamond comparison

There needs to be more clarity about cushion cuts and radiant cuts due to their similar shape and faceting patterns. Sometimes, buyers can’t decide which is better to select and from which point they define separately. Thus, here we see the comparison of the cushion cut vs the radiant cut.

In this article, the comparison discloses cushion and radiant cut meaning to their 4cs and appearance. These points help to define them easily without any high-level or complex phrases used in the diamond industry.

Meaning of Cushion cut vs Radiant cut 

The meaning of cushion cut vs radiant cut is one type of fact that indicates to buyers what to select. In the meaning of cushion cut and radiant cut diamond, they represent their definitions that comply with structures as rectangular or square in proper dimensions.

What is Cushion cut in diamond?

[Cushion diamond's appearance with the anatomies]-[ouros jewels]

When a diamond cut has curving crown anatomy with a 30°-degree angle from the girdle surface and has a squarish shape that carries bundles of facets (internally and externally), it’s a cushion-cut diamond.

In the cushion cut diamond, the pavilion angle is swallowed from the top view and looks like a picking growth in chart. The cushion diamond cut's soft curving edges play a conjunctive role in assembling the faceting patterns on the girdle and crown.

What is a Radiant cut diamond?

[Radiant cut diamond's appearance and lookout]-[ouros jewels]

A radiant cut diamond comes with more curving sharp edges than a cushion cut diamond. In radiant diamond cut, the appearance of a flat table and less swallowed pavilion founded with the none pointed culet anatomy. Thus, whether the diamond cut has sharp four-sided curving edges, internal & external facets, a flat table, or none pointed culet, it is called the Radiant diamond.

The points define the cushion cut vs radiant cut diamond.

Some points define the cushion cut vs radiant cut diamond’s difference. The points include the curving edges, the table anatomy, crown angles, faceting patterns, pavilion depth, sharp culet notch, and shape, most importantly.

Radiant cut diamond has more curving edges than cushion cut.

[Radiant cut diamond has more curving edges than a cushion cut diamond]-[ouros jewels]

In a radiant cut diamond, more curving edges are available than in a cushion cut because it must comply with its ideal L/W ratio. Cushion diamond cut-sided curving edges look like a jumbled part connector and no longer curved from an angle. While the radiant diamond cut’s edges are bent from one angle to another angle, they’re rotated in clockwise directions.

Thus, in the curving-edged fact, radiant diamonds beat cushion cuts, so buyers want to get the most bend edges and then wisely select radiant diamonds.

Radiant cut has wide table anatomy than a Cushion diamond cut.

[Radiant cut diamond has more curving edges than a cushion cut diamond]-[ouros jewels]

A cushion cut has a squarish shape; when it has, then the length is short, so it is a general sense that a narrow table surface buyer can get. The cushion diamond’s squarish shape was a key fact in allocating a less wide table anatomy.

While a radiant cut diamond has more length to justify its L/W ratio then, it can be in the wider and longer table anatomy than a cushion diamond. As a result, the table anatomy can be most important factor in the radiant diamond cut.

Here, a cushion cut diamond loses for having a short and narrow table compare to a radiant diamond cut. This point concludes that when a buyer wants to select a halo rings or unique engagement ring, the comprehensive table anatomy must be in the diamond, so choose a radiant cut ahead of cushion diamond.

30-45° degree angle crown available in cushion cut diamond.

[Cushion diamonds and radiant diamonds cut side angles appearance]-[ouros jewels]

The cushion-cut diamond is squarish and swallowed from the pavilion side, so it must have a crown angle more curved from the point of girdle anatomy. In other words, for better scintillation, a cushion diamond cut has 30-45° degrees angle crown anatomy that connects the table and girdle facets placements.

Another side, the radiant diamond cut has a 15-30° degrees angle curving crown surface that is necessary to provide a better appearance in return. In radiant diamond, the long length doesn't require a curving band edge because the table anatomy becomes narrower and shorter if it has.

Radiant diamond has triangle faceting patterns, while a cushion offers the kite shape facets.

[Radiant cut diamonds and cushion cut diamond's faceting variations]-[ouros jewels]

In radiant diamond, the triangle faceting patterns exist because it has a long length, so the diamond grader wants to make it more precious. Thus there is no other better option than placing a triangle facet on the radiant diamond. The triangle facet's most salient benefit is that it can collect light rays from all directions and release them in an attractive flow.

Besides, a cushion diamond cut carries a kite shape faceting style on the anatomy of the crown and girdle. While the pavilion anatomy has facets in one single-line shape.

There’s impossible to define the particular shape of the facets of the diamond; the only way to see it’s a clarity plot. A clarity plot is a 2nd print of the diamond facets.

Cushion diamond has bending curving facets while radiant cut has sharps-edged faceting.

[Cushion diamond cut and radiant cut diamond's curving edges difference]-[ouros jewels]

A cushion diamond has bending curving facets for its modified or brilliant cut types. While radiant-cut diamonds have sharp-edged corners due to their rectangular shape.

In the cushion cut diamond, the surfaces and anatomies are in a kite shape that matches the bending types facets, so there's no need to be in sharp-edged faceting.

While in radiant diamond cut, the sharp-edged corner faceting must comply with the crown and girdle faceting and stabilize the pavilion surfaces. That's why they are both different from the cornered faceting types.

Another reason for having the same culet surface is that the faceting patterns. Because all the facets are gathered in one place, and the place is the “culet of the diamond.” Thus, for combining all the aspects, the radiant and cushion cut has the same sharp-edged culet.

Cushion diamond’s pavilion depth and faceting patterns have varieties.

[Cushion cut diamonds and radiant cut diamond's proportions appearance]-[ouros jewels]

Cushion diamond’s pavilion depth and faceting patterns provide the varieties to buyers that can be the optimal choice for the desperate person to buy it. Six types of pavilion facets are available in cushion diamond cut: antique style, four-primary, eight-chief, ice crushed, modified, and brilliant.

All these pavilion anatomy facets of cushion diamonds provide different glister abilities. Also, the cushion diamond has more depth in pavilion anatomy than a radiant diamond cut.

While a radiant cut diamond’s appearance is in only one pattern where the pavilion anatomy is filled with mostly a brilliant faceting that carries 37 facets. A radiant diamond’s total facets are 70, where 37 numbers of facets are placed on the pavilion anatomy.

Compared to the cushion diamond, the radiant has less depth due to consuming more space on the crown and girdle anatomy.

Cushion is square, so the Radiant cut diamond is rectangular.

[Cushion diamonds and Radiant diamonds shape difference]-[ouros jewels]

The cushion diamond is known for its wide range of varieties and crown facets compared to radiant cut diamonds. So, the most obvious thing is to make a cushion diamond in a square shape, but it’s available in elongated or rectangular shapes also. Ouros Jewels has that option.

As asides, the radiant cut diamond is always made in the rectangular shape that is necessary to maintain its appearance on jewelry such as engagement or wedding rings, or maybe diamond necklace, bracelet, or bangles.

Radiant diamond is identified from the rectangular, and their long length makes preferable for solitaire rings, mostly. In this ring setting, the buyer can prove their presence in the gathering.

Cushion diamond is +10% more costly than a radiant diamond cut in the same 4cs grades.

[Cushion cut diamond's and radiant cut diamond's appearance in 4cs and price comparison.]-[ouros jewels]

Yes, the buyer reads the actual fact for the cushion and radiant cut diamond price. A cushion diamond is +10% costlier than a radiant diamond cut with the same 4cs grades. The reason for having more price for the cushion diamond is their manufacturing styles and polish duration.

More rough diamonds weights are used in cushion diamonds, and the breakage ratio is around 20-30%. So, a diamond manufacturer in advance consumes more rough weight of diamonds to make a brilliant cushion cut.

Thus, this factor indirectly increases the final price that is payable by the buyers. While in radiant cut, there are less rough diamond weights needed.

For example, a 1 carat cushion cut diamond that has E color and VVS1 clarity with excellent cut grade, its price is $1250 with IGI certifications. Another side, the same 4cs graded 1 carat radiant cut diamond price is $1150. So here’s the difference is that $100 more has to be spent on buying a cushion-cut diamond.

By selecting ideal diamond clarity, it makes the light's resonations more appealing and beautiful due to fewer blemishes on the surfaces. Diamond clarity decides from the blemishes that appear on the anatomy, and it plays a significant role in the price evaluation.


I didn’t urge the question or influence to neither select cushion nor radiant cut diamond. But, I want to clear a misconception between cushion vs radiant cut diamond. Buyers have their own mindset to select cushion cut or radiant diamonds for engraving in engagement rings, wedding bands, necklaces, bracelets, or bangles.

Thus, when buyers shop for a diamond cut from cushion and radiant, they have to consider this article's differentiative points. These points can be helpful to worldwide buyers who don’t know how to choose wisely between radiant and cushion-cut diamonds.

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Q1. Cushion Cut vs Radiant Cut Diamonds Chart

Feature Cushion Cut Radiant Cut
Shape Rounded corners, pillow-like appearance Trimmed corners, more linear facets
Brilliance Soft, bright sparkle with focused fire. High brightness and strong light return.
Best For Vintage-style settings, romantic designs Contemporary settings, bold designs
Cost Generally more expensive because to waste reduction Usually less expensive, more efficient cut
Size Perception May appear smaller due to rounded edges Looks larger due to cut maximizing surface
Ideal Settings Halo, vintage Solitaire, halo, three-stone

Q2. What's the difference between cushion and radiant cut diamonds?

    Ans. Cushion cut diamonds have rounded corners and a classic, soft look, with big facets that provide sparkle. Radiant cut diamonds combine the best of round and emerald cuts with trimmed borders, giving them a more shining brilliance because to its unique faceting design.

    Q3. Which settings are better for cushion and radiant cut diamonds?

      Ans. Cushion cuts work well with halo settings, which add to their vintage appeal. Radiant cuts are able and look great in a variety of settings, including solitaire and three-stone, which highlight their clarity and sparkle.

      Q4. Which is better for an engagement ring: cushion or radiant cut?

        Ans. A cushion cut diamond or a radiant cut diamond is a matter of choice. If you want an antique and romantic look, a cushion cut is perfect. A radiant cut is great to achieve a bold and sparkling appearance.

        Q5. How do cushion and radiant cuts differ in size and brilliance?

          Ans. Radiant cuts usually look bigger than cushion cuts of the same carat weight due to their cutting method, which increases surface area. Radiant cuts are often more brilliant, but cushion cuts are popular for their vibrant fire.

          Q6. Do cushion cuts cost more than radiant cuts diamond?

            Ans. Cushion cuts are often more expensive than radiant cuts because of the increased waste involved in the cutting process. However, the final price is also affected by the diamond's color, clarity, and cut quality.

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